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Our Technical Journey through the 21st CenturyProperty Management Key Process Flow
Process Flow The following list is a typical sequence of events that you might follow to abstract a lease in Oracle Property Manager: Set up service providers, and define locations, regions and office parks, milestones, and reporting currencies.Abstract the lease....
i-Expense Key Setups
Key Setup steps to get iExpense up and running LicenseAP already upDefault Exp Template iExpense enabled and set in Payable OptionsEmployeeIn iExpense, enable the OU Context that will use itSet Accounting for ledgers and which segments are visible/up-dateableSetup any...
Does Internet Expenses in Release 12 support MOAC feature?
In Release 12, Internet Expenses does not support MOAC. Operating Unit is derived based on "MO:Operating Unit" profile option only and there is no provision for the user to select operating units. In order to access the iExpense page and not get an "unexpected...
How to change Default “Enterprise Name” in iSupplier notifications?
Run scriptPOSENTUP.sql. "...before starting the registration process the following script needs to be run. $APPL_TOP/pos/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/POSENTUP.sql This script establishes the Enterprise Name that will be used in all of the notification emails used during the...
Services Procurement Setup
Setup Steps for Services Procurement Enable License: Purchasing Services Procurement Set Profile Option: PO: Enable Services Procurement (to be sure they are enabled set it to No and then back to Yes) Create a custom Style Sheet...
Project Accounting (Foundation) Express Setup Steps
Follow the following steps to put inplace a foundation/base for Projects Define Responsibilities with profiles set for the following:HRMOGLSet profiles for both the Calendar and Budget itemsUpdate/Add to Org the PA Org...
Available Sources for Sub-Ledger Accounting (SLA) by Oracle Module 12.1.3
The table below lists the available sources in SLA for each modules ModuleSLA SourcesGLNAAP973AR2137CST1221PN63OZF134FV351LNS131OKL345 ModuleSLA SourcesCE132FA380PA421AGIS65PO510GMA582PAY54ONTNASLA80 OZF=Trade Management; GMA=Process Manufacturing; OKL=Lease...
R12: CE: Understanding BANK ACCOUNT BALANCES functionality in Oracle's Cash Management application (Doc ID 814254.1) Q1: What are Bank Account Balances? Bank Account BalancesBank account balance maintenance and reporting is supported for all internal bank accounts in...
Create Documents Workflow FAQ (CREATEDOC / CREATEPO)
This FAQ document identifies the most frequently reported how-to questions relating to the Oracle Purchasing Approval functionality regarding to the CreatePO workflow. The articles below do not include bugs/patches or troubleshooting notes. 1. What is the setup needed...
Cash Management Key Setups
System Paramters: Set the Legal Entity and Ledgers (Simply hit new to add another LE and Ledger Combo) Banks should be setup up if they have not already Define Misc Transactions in AR for Set any pre-defined Transfer Templates as required Bank Transaction Codes...
Oracle Security Rules
Security Overview Defining which records and information users can access is fundamental to HRMS security. As part of your implementation plan, you identify who will use Oracle HRMS, what information they require, and how they use it. You can control a user's access...
Project Accounting Notes
Expenditure Type Classes: Oracle Projects pre-defines all expenditure type classes. Indicates how Oracle Projects processes the expenditure types. Multiple Expenditure Type Classes Per Expenditure Type Expenditure Type Module Where Expenditure...
AGIS Setups and Use
Key considerations and constraints: Intercompany transactions can be created in the same Ledger using JE's.Intercompany transactions that will cross Ledgers must go through AGIS.Invoicing in AGIS can create Invoices in AR and AP that will show in aging reports.AGIS...
iSupplier Key Setups
Key Setups for iSupplier and Sourcing for Negotiations(RFQs etc) Make sure the products are licensed (POS and PON) Setup the Notification Mailer So that Suppliers can login follow the following: To ensure that newly registered external users can register, login, and...
iProcurement doesn’t support MOAC and hence the MO:Security Profile should be null
Setup: Multi Org Access Control (MOAC) issue. iProcurement doesn't support MOAC and hence the MO:Security Profile should be null and MO:Operating Unit should have valid value at the iProcurement responsibility level. SOLUTION To implement the solution, please execute...
How to use Oracle Asset Tracking to create fixed asset for rental business
How to use Oracle Asset Tracking to create fixed asset for rental business 1. Define this item as a Normal Item – Serialized (Create Assets unchecked in the Service Tab) 2. Receive this item in a Subinventory Location (Misc Rec/PO Receipt) 3. Just before you want the...
Project Oracle PA Classifications (Class Categories and Class Codes)
You define project classifications to group your projects according to categories you define. A project classification includes a class category and a class code. The category is a broad subject within which you can classify projects. The code is a specific...
Oracle HR: Security Rules
Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration GuideRelease 12.1 Security Rules Security Overview Defining which records and information users can access is fundamental to HRMS security. As part of your implementation plan,...
PO: Use requisition Line Numbers on the PO
PO: Use Requisition Line Numbers on Autocreated Purchase Order Lines PO: Default Requisition Grouping. to 'REQUISITION' and while inserting the data into the PO_HEADERS_INTERFACE the GROUP_CODE must be 'REQUISITION'. PO: Default Requisition Grouping Indicates the...