Mar 7, 2020 | Oracle, P2P
In Release 12, Internet Expenses does not support MOAC. Operating Unit is derived based on “MO:Operating Unit” profile option only and there is no provision for the user to select operating units. In order to access the iExpense page and not get an...
Mar 7, 2020 | Oracle, P2P
Run scriptPOSENTUP.sql. “…before starting the registration process the following script needs to be run. $APPL_TOP/pos/11.5.0/patch/115/sql/POSENTUP.sql This script establishes the Enterprise Name that will be used in all of the notification emails used...
Mar 7, 2020 | Oracle, P2P
Setup Steps for Services Procurement Enable License: Purchasing Services Procurement Set Profile Option: PO: Enable Services Procurement (to be sure they are enabled set it to No and then back to Yes) Create a custom Style Sheet...