Configuration Steps for Fusion Intercompany
Oct 26, 2023 | InterCo, Oracle
Intercompany Organizations:
- Set up and define the organizations that will be participating in intercompany transactions.
Intercompany Organization Data Access for Users:
- Configure which users have access to specific intercompany organizations, ensuring proper data access and security.
Intercompany Balancing Rules:
- Create rules that determine how intercompany transactions will be balanced across participating organizations.
Intercompany Transaction Types:
- Define the various kinds of intercompany transactions that can occur, such as sales, transfers, or loans.
Intercompany System Options:
- Configure overarching system settings that will apply to intercompany operations, such as default accounts or currency settings.
Intercompany Period Status:
- Set up periods for intercompany transactions and specify their open or closed status.
Intercompany Customer Supplier Association:
- Establish associations between intercompany customers and suppliers, streamlining transaction processing.
Intercompany Receivables Assignment:
- Define how intercompany receivables will be allocated or assigned among the participating organizations.