Mar 7, 2020 | EBTax, Oracle
Considerations for Architecting a solution when Inventory items [are] or [are not] being leveraged. When considering a roll-out o EBTax one has to take special care to analyze the using, or not using, Inventory Items as part of the final design. Note the two item in...
Mar 7, 2020 | FND, Oracle
Load Category Sets (load first) Categories (load second) Category Set Valid Categories Using FNDLOAD in the usual manner one can download or upload the following Oracle Inventory Category related configurations. Naturally, some experience in using FNDLOAD is a...
Mar 7, 2020 | EBTax, Oracle
Tax Determining Factors These are set by Oracle and cannot be extendedDetermine:Tax RulesTax RegimeTax Basis FormulaDetermining Factor Classes:AccountingDocumentParty Fiscal ClassificationLegal Party Fiscal Classification Product – Inventory LinkedProduct...
Mar 7, 2020 | Oracle, P2P
The code below can be used to pull in a text file that contains the Category information and then it writes an XML file that Oracle can pull in to load (or delete categories that are not used) categories in Oracle iProcurement. import; import...