Follow the following steps to put in
place a foundation/base for Projects

  1. Define Responsibilities with profiles set for the following:
    • HR
    • MO
    • GL
  2. Set profiles for both the Calendar and Budget items
  3. Update/Add to Org the PA Org types:
    • Expenditure/Event
    • Task Owning
  4. Create Org Hierarchy
  5. Do Implementation Options
  6. Service Type(s)
  7. Expenditure Categories
  8. Revenue Categories>
  9. Expenditure Types
  10. Resource List(s)
  11. Classification Categories if used-Not Required – (Can be used for AA if set)
  12. Project Types:
    • Indirect
    • Capital
    • Contract

Notes at this juncture:

Budgets-Key Configs (Budget Types, Entry Methods, Resource Lists)

Expenditures (Exp Categories, Rev Categories, Exp Types, Rate Schedules-Empl-Jobs-etc)

Projects (Roles, Classifications, Service Types, Project Types, Project Templates)

Auto Accounting Configuration

  1. Lookup Sets
  2. Rules
  3. Assign Rules

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